Promotion of Value – Based Education and Dignity of Human Persons
A. Youth Camps
- 2017 – 213 participants
- 2018 – 200 participants
- 2019 – 130 participants
B. AHAPPY Generation Clubs Members at JUC Partner Schools
- St Ignatious High School 80
- Groupe Scolaire Kabuye 50
- Groupe Scolaire Kabuga 60
- Groupe Scolaire Kagugu 23
- Groupe Scolaire NDUBA 89
- Groupe Scolaire Gikondo 32
- Groupe Scolaire Kinyinya 180
- Groupe Scolaire Gihogwe 128
- Groupe Scolaire St Famille 110
- Groupe Scolaire Gahanga 1 85
- Groupe Scolaire Karembure 18
- Groupe Scolaire EPA St Michel 20
- Groupe Scolaire Remera Catholique 75
C. Catholic Social Teaching
When the program kicked off in 2017, training was run for members of Caritas Rwanda and the Peace and Justice Commission from the Archdiocese of Kigali. The year 2020 JUC ran formations for university students as for members of Caritas, and the Justice and Peace Commission in 8 Dioceses of Rwanda. Total of Beneficiaries for this program is 150.
Supporting Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
A. Youth Empowerment Program
The youth empowerment project was initiated in response to a high number of youth graduating from high schools and universities vis-à-vis scarce opportunities of employment. The program is equipping 40 youth with innovative skills to create jobs not only for themselves but for their peers for long term self sustainability.
B. Women Empowerment Program
This project was initiated following the precarious living conditions of many families in the suburbs of the City of Kigali. After the outbreak of COVID-19, many people saw their businesses shut down due to lockdown measures that were adopted to prevent the spread of the pandemic. Among the people hit hardest by the COVID-19 measures have been casual workers and street vendors, majority of whom are single mothers.
This women empowerment project has supported 45 women and 5 men selected from 50 families. Having completed the theoretical part of their trainings, the beneficiaries have branched out into vocational trainings on baking, hairdressing and tailoring.
Research, Publication and Advocacy
A. Ecological Justice – International Laudato Si’ Conference
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, JUC organized and held at its premises an international conference on the 21st and 22nd of October 2020. The theme of the conference was “Youth as actors and promoters of the safeguard of our common home: Challenges of Integral Human Development in the Great Lakes region of Africa.” The Conference was also attended by scholars, pastors, civil servants and environmental activists hailing from 8 countries across the globe who discussed the message from Laudato Si’ in the light of lived experiences of the people from the Great Lakes Region of Africa.; youth representatives from Catholic youth ministries, environmental groups and civil society organizations. In total, about 120 were in attendance with more than 300 online viewers who hailed from other African countries and beyond.
B. Social Proximity Blog
On 21 March 2020, the government of Rwanda issued orders of total lockdown across the country in an effort to counteract the spread of COVID-19. The lockdown situation compelled the management of JUC to create a blog discussing about the pandemic, its effects on the poor and most vulnerable as well as individual and collective responsibilities towards social and economic justice for all. JUC sourced contributions from members of the Society of Jesus, JUC staff and friends of the Centre and posted articles every 2 days until the 16th May when the government partially lifted the restriction measures.
C. Social Justice Calendar
The Social Justice Calendar has been an effort by the Jesuit Urumuri Centre that is meant to educate and guide people on Catholic social teaching. This in turn helps them with the concept of faith which is a necessity in terms of the universal promotion of justice for all. The Centre has been designing and printing these since 2017, which makes this year’s (2021), the fifth edition.
D. Research on Domestic Violence In Rwanda
Since 2018, JUC in collaboration with Nyina W’umuntu Organization has been conducting a countrywide research on the root causes of Domestic Violence in Rwanda, which will see its completion and presentation in the year 2020. Data collection preparation was done from November 2018 to March 2019, followed by data collection and analysis on both qualitative and quantitative data; this is still ongoing. The next step is the presentation of data at a regional conference , which shall be followed by publication of said presentation in Local, regional and international media.
COVID-19 Pandemic and JUC Intervention
Jesuit Urumuri Centre designed a project to come to the aid of the most affected and vulnerable families of COVID-19 in May to July 2020. The project reached out to over 170 families in Kigali suburbs with food packages and funds to settle rental arrears. Each family, on average having 5 members, received portions of maize flour, rice, beans, cooking oil and salt that would sustain them for at least a month.